Vision Publication is a renowned name in the field of competitive exam preparation materials. We take pride in our reputation for producing high-quality resources that have helped countless students achieve success in their exams. Our publications are trusted by aspirants across the country for their accuracy, comprehensiveness, and relevance to the latest exam patterns.

If you're an aspiring author with a compelling idea for a book, whether it's a complete manuscript, a collection of chapters, or even a well-structured summary, we invite you to share your work with us. We're always on the lookout for fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to help students excel in their competitive exams.

To submit your work for consideration, please send the following to .

  1. A covering letter (optional, but recommended): Introduce yourself and briefly explain your motivation for writing this book. Highlight what makes your approach unique and how it aligns with Vision Publication's mission to support exam aspirants.
  2. Author bio: Provide a concise biography that showcases your expertise in the subject matter. Include any relevant qualifications, teaching experience, or previous publications that demonstrate your credibility as an author in the competitive exam preparation field.
  3. Synopsis: Submit a detailed overview of your proposed book. This should include the main topics covered, the target audience, and how your book fills a gap in the current market of exam preparation materials.
  4. Three sample chapters: These should be representative of your writing style and the content quality of your proposed book. Ensure they are well-structured, error-free, and demonstrate your ability to explain complex concepts clearly.

Please note: Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, our review process can take up to 6 months. If you don't hear back from us within this timeframe, it means we have decided not to pursue your proposal further at this time. While we appreciate every submission, we can only move forward with a limited number of projects that best fit our publishing strategy and market needs.

Our team of experts at Vision Publication is committed to nurturing new talent and bringing fresh perspectives to the world of competitive exam preparation. We understand the dedication and hard work that goes into creating valuable educational content, and we're excited to potentially collaborate with you.

By following these submission guidelines carefully, you increase your chances of catching our attention and potentially seeing your book published under the prestigious Vision Publication banner. We look forward to reviewing your work and possibly welcoming you to our family of esteemed authors who are making a difference in students' lives across India."